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or a flashlight!

Are you seeking change...

Life can be daunting. It's so easy to feel overwhelmed, disconnected, stuck, and lost in it all. We all need a guide to help us navigate our path. Someone to turn to when our minds fill with fear, self-doubt and we find ourselves living in a "groundhogs day" state of mind. Someone to help us get off the rollercoaster, stop living in fear, and finally make the changes we need to feel FREE. I speak from firsthand experience and am forever indebted to my life coaches, therapist, and mentors, each playing an equally influential role in my transformative process. 

I have mentored and coached hundreds of incredible humans from all walks of life. My journey began with mentoring in yoga teacher training as the lead facilitator and eventually led to founding a women's circle and coaching one-on-one. 

This program is inspired by so many aspects of my personal life journey, therapeutic modalities...



4-Step Transformation Process

“Transformation isn’t sweet and bright.
It’s a dark and murky, painful pushing.
An unraveling of the untruths you’ve carried in your body.
A practice in facing your own created demons.
A complete uprooting, before becoming.”
Victoria Erickson


1. let's begin
Are you being honest?

My philosophy for most of my adult life has been no bullshit. Which is why my coaching style is to dive right in...

Yes, I am a no filter, honest Momma overflowing with emotion, an empath through and through. This has led to many different life experiences and lessons. If someone asks me how I am feeling or what I want, I pretty much just say exactly how I am feeling, oftentimes regretting my candor... but, at least it was honest, right?

You see, I believe being honest with yourself is the first step in creating the life you want. Get clear with yourself, push past the BS, and always go after what you want.

Easy right? Not always, and that is why I was called to do this...

We'll begin by getting clear:

  • Are you being completely honest with yourself about who you are?​

  • What are you seeking? ​

  • Where are you stuck?​

  • What are you willing to do to create a life you want to wake up to every day?

In this phase, you will learn to become fully honest with your SELF, addressing anything inauthenthic that is keeping you stuck and finally kicking it to the curb.


2. let's get dirty
allowing the process of transformation

I'm not here to tell you that your transformation will be easy. It will constantly challenge you and make you question everything you've ever known about who you are.


You'll undoubtedly get knocked down in the dirt a few times, but I'll be right there beside you to help you back up again.

When we get back up together, you'll be more aware or in time and with practice, free from self-limiting beliefs, old habitual patterns, and self-sabotage.


I am here to support you on your journey of transformation. We all need support in this life and it takes serious work, commitment, and dedication to make shit happen in your life.


I'm that someone who will hold you accountable, maybe even hold your hand, and dust you off when things aren't easy.

In this phase, I'm right by your side as you navigate the ups and downs of finding out who you are and leaving the old you behind.


3. let's Make a plan

This is where we formulate a plan of action and get you ready for take off!


You get to choose to change what is standing in the way of your path to freedom - which might just be the hardest decision of your life!


We make countless decisions all day long...

Coffee or tea? 

Highway or back roads?

Workout or watch another show?

It's exhausting and mentally depleting.


So when our future and our sanity depend on a decision, we often freeze or put it on the back burner.

So, how do we empower ourselves to make the hard decisions and pave our path to freedom and Self Transformation?

We plan, we execute, and most importantly we commit to doing the work.

In this phase, we'll address all of the changes you've had on the back burner, putting them into a sustainable plan of action.


4. let's fly

My philosophy for most of my adult life has been no bullshit. Which is why my coaching style is to dive right in...

Yes, I am a no filter, honest Momma overflowing with emotion, an empath through and through. This has led to many different life experiences and lessons. If someone asks me how I am feeling or what I want, I pretty much just say exactly how I am feeling, oftentimes regretting my candor... but, at least it was honest, right?

You see, I believe being honest with yourself is the first step in creating the life you want. Get clear with yourself, push past the BS, and always go after what you want.

Easy right? Not always, and that is why I was called to do this...

We'll begin by getting clear:

  • Are you being completely honest with yourself about who you are?​

  • What are you seeking? ​

  • Where are you stuck?​

  • What are you willing to do to create a life you want to wake up to every day?

In this phase, you will learn to become fully honest with your SELF, addressing anything inauthenthic that is keeping you stuck and finally kicking it to the curb.

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© 2018 by Monarch Yoga

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